Welcome to [Daby-Seesaram, Škardová, Genet, Submitted]’s demos!#
These demos are based on the NeuROM-py code version 3.1.21
and allow reproducing most figures of our paper [Daby-Seesaram, Škardová, Genet, Submitted].
The notebooks can be executed online with binder
(no download required).
Hybridising standard reduced-order modelling methods with interpretable sparse neural networks#
This work proposes hybridising classical model-order reduction methods with machine learning capabilities to provide real-time solutions to mechanics problem.
Analogous to techniques like the Proper Generalised Decomposition (PGD) or the Higher Order Singular Value Decomposition (HOSVD), the parametric mechanical field is represented through a tensor decomposition, effectively mitigating the curse of dimensionality associated with numerous parameters. Each mode of the tensor decomposition is given by the output of a sparse neural network within the HiDeNN framework, constraining the weights and biases to emulate classical shape functions used in the Finite Element Method.