1D Case - Figures 8a and 8c

1D Case - Figures 8a and 8c#

Investigation of the influence of

  • mesh resolution

  • the number of sampling points per element when computing the loss with the trapezoidal rule

The study has been done on fixed and r-adapted meshes.

#%% Libraries import
import sys  

# sys.path.append("../neurom/")

from neurom.HiDeNN_PDE import MeshNN, NeuROM, MeshNN_2D, MeshNN_1D
# Import pre-processing functions
import neurom.src.Pre_processing as pre
# Import torch librairies
import torch
import torch.nn as nn

# Import Training funcitons
from neurom.src.Training import Training_1D_FEM_LBFGS
#Import post processing libraries
import neurom.Post.Plots as Pplot
import time
import os
import torch._dynamo as dynamo
mps_device = torch.device("mps")
from importlib import reload  # Python 3.4+
import tomllib
import numpy as numpy
import argparse
# Load default configuration file (defines dimension, domain, boundary conditions, number of training iterations etc.)
Default_config_file = 'Configurations/config_1D.toml'

with open(Default_config_file, mode="rb") as f:
    config = tomllib.load(f)
# Experiment setting: trapezoidal rule
# Tested variants: 6 mesh resolutions, 3 training sets, fixed and r-adaptive mesh

mesh_resolution = [10,21,41,80,160,324]
training_points = [10,20,30]

setting = ["fixed", "r-adaptive"]
config["solver"]["IntegralMethod"] = "Trapezoidal"

loss_u = numpy.zeros((len(setting),len(mesh_resolution), len(training_points)))
loss_grad = numpy.zeros((len(setting),len(mesh_resolution), len(training_points)))

for t in range(len(training_points)):
    config["training"]["Points_per_element"] = training_points[t]
    for se in range(len(setting)):
        if setting[se] == "fixed":
            config["solver"]["FrozenMesh"] = True
        elif setting[se] == "r-adaptive":
            config["solver"]["FrozenMesh"] = False

        for res in range(len(mesh_resolution)):

            config["interpolation"]["np"] = mesh_resolution[res]

            # Load parameters
            if config["interpolation"]["dimension"] == 1:
                Mat = pre.Material(             flag_lame = True,                               # If True should input lmbda and mu instead of E and nu
                                                coef1     = config["material"]["E"],            # Young Modulus
                                                coef2     = config["geometry"]["A"]             # Section area of the 1D bar
            elif config["interpolation"]["dimension"] == 2:
                    Mat = pre.Material(         flag_lame = False,                              # If True should input lmbda and mu instead of E and nu
                                                coef1     = config["material"]["E"],            # Young Modulus
                                                coef2     = config["material"]["nu"]            # Poisson's ratio
                    Mat = pre.Material(         flag_lame = True,                               # If True should input lmbda and mu instead of E and nu
                                                coef1     = config["material"]["lmbda"],        # First Lame's coef
                                                coef2     = config["material"]["mu"]            # Second Lame's coef

            MaxElemSize = pre.ElementSize(
                                            dimension     = config["interpolation"]["dimension"],
                                            L             = config["geometry"]["L"],
                                            order         = config["interpolation"]["order"],
                                            np            = config["interpolation"]["np"],

            Excluded = []

            Mesh_object = pre.Mesh( 
                                            config["geometry"]["Name"],                 # Create the mesh object

            Mesh_object.AddBCs(                                                         # Include Boundary physical domains infos (BCs+volume)

            Mesh_object.MeshGeo()                                                       # Mesh the .geo file if .msh does not exist

            # Vtk file not necessary if not using reference element implementation
            if config["solver"]["IntegralMethod"] == "Gaussian_quad":

            # Build the assembly weight matrix if needed
            if config["interpolation"]["dimension"] ==1 and config["solver"]["IntegralMethod"] == "Trapezoidal":

            if int(Mesh_object.dim) != int(Mesh_object.dimension):
                raise ValueError("The dimension of the provided geometry does not match the job dimension")

            if config["solver"]["TrainingStrategy"]=="Integral":
                match config["solver"]["IntegralMethod"]:                          
                    case "Gaussian_quad":
                        Model_FEM = MeshNN_1D(Mesh_object, config["interpolation"]["n_integr_points"])  
                    case "Trapezoidal":
                        Model_FEM = MeshNN(Mesh_object)

            if config["solver"]["TrainingStrategy"]=="Mixed":
                if config["solver"]["IntegralMethod"] == "Gaussian_quad":
                    Model_FEM = MeshNN_1D(Mesh_object, config["interpolation"]["n_integr_points"])
                    Model_test = MeshNN_1D(Mesh_object, config["interpolation"]["n_integr_points"])  

            # Default setting

            if not config["solver"]["FrozenMesh"]:

            if config["solver"]["TrainingStrategy"]=="Mixed":
                Model_FEM = Training_1D_FEM_LBFGS(Model_FEM, config, Mat, Model_test)
                Model_FEM = Training_1D_FEM_LBFGS(Model_FEM, config, Mat)

            l2_loss, l2_loss_grad = Pplot.Normalized_error_1D(Model_FEM,config,Mat)

            loss_u[se,res, t] = l2_loss
            loss_grad[se,res, t] = l2_loss_grad
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = False

# Plot normalized displacement error

fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
ax = plt.gca()

plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_u[0,:,0],'-', color = "blue", label = '10 p./e.')
plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_u[0,:,1],'-', color = "gold", label = '20 p./e.')
plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_u[0,:,2],'-', color = "green", label = '30 p./e.')

plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_u[1,:,0],':', color = "blue", label = '10 p./e.,  r-adaptivity')
plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_u[1,:,1],':', color = "gold", label = '20 p./e.,  r-adaptivity')
plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_u[1,:,2],':', color = "green", label = '30 p./e.,  r-adaptivity')

ax.set_ylim([0.00008, 29])

plt.xlabel("Number of mesh nodes")
plt.ylabel("Normalized displacement error")
plt.legend(loc="lower left", frameon=False )

# Plot normalized strain error

fig = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf()
ax = plt.gca()

plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_grad[0,:,0],'-', color = "blue", label = '10 p./e.')
plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_grad[0,:,1],'-', color = "gold", label = '20 p./e.')
plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_grad[0,:,2],'-', color = "green", label = '30 p./e.')

plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_grad[1,:,0],':', color = "blue", label = '10 p./e.,  r-adaptivity')
plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_grad[1,:,1],':', color = "gold", label = '20 p./e.,  r-adaptivity')
plt.plot(mesh_resolution, loss_grad[1,:,2],':', color = "green", label = '30 p./e.,  r-adaptivity')

ax.set_ylim([0.01, 23])

plt.xlabel("Number of mesh nodes")
plt.ylabel("Normalized strain error")
plt.legend(loc="lower left", frameon=False )